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Friday, 24 July 2015

Learning to be Cartographers

We are learning to read and create maps.

Jessica and Naomi using the grid reference to find countries in an atlas

Jordan and James found the country Jordan

We have been exploring atlas's and maps and creating our own treasure maps. Miss Sampson, our lovely librarian who also helps us with our writing, has lent us her globe. We think it's pretty amazing how many countries there are in our world.

We are all very interested in learning about different places on the globe and how our planet works. Ruben wants to find out why there is so much water on our planet. Keiarliya wants to know how gravity works - how do we walk around the world if its round, without falling off? Do you know the answer to these questions?

Charlie, Ruben and Ella discussing maps before school

Check out this really cool song and video that shows all the different countries on our planet.



  1. I love this soing grat work room 1617 😍

  2. I like the great song great work room 1617 😍

    1. I like the video all around the world
