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Friday, 19 June 2015

Celebrating Matariki

We are learning about Matariki. Today, we read a story called Kahu Ora.

Kahu Ora means living cloaks - its a story about a girl called Marama who visited Te Papa to look at the korowai exhibition.

We learnt that korowai are very special cloaks that can be handed down through whanau. We found out that most korowai are made from feathers and white muka (white flax fibre that is inside green harakeke or flax leaves).

In Room 1617 we are a learning whanau so we decided to make our own korowai from recycled paper. We used our blending skills to create colourful feathers. We also made some feathers with ripped or scrunched up paper to add texture so the korowai looks soft and feathery.

Room 1617's Korowai
This Naomi's Great Great Grandmother's korowai. It lives at Te Papa just like in the story. 
It is a special toanga to Naomi's whanau. 

This korowai is made from kaka, pigeon and kiwi feathers. 
Wow, look how old the korowai is. 
Thank you Naomi for sharing such a special toanga with us from your family. 


  1. Wow! That cloak looks amazing. You should all be very proud.

  2. All feathers look colourful and nice

  3. good work room 16 17 by wisdom

  4. Tino ataahua te korowai nei. Tou ke nga akoranga e mahi ana. Ko mau te wehi nga tamariki o ruma 16 me 17.

    That korowai is so beautiful. Amazing learning has taken place. Be very proud Room 16 and 17.
